The Tree of Life (2011) | Rotten Tomatoes (2025)

85% Tomatometer 293 Reviews 60% Popcornmeter 50,000+ Ratings

In this highly philosophical film by acclaimed director Terrence Malick, young Jack (Hunter McCracken) is one of three brothers growing up as part of the O'Brien family in small-town Texas. Jack has a contentious relationship with his father (Brad Pitt), but gets along well with his beautiful mother (Jessica Chastain). As an adult, Jack (Sean Penn) struggles with his past and tries to make sense of his childhood, while also grappling with bigger existential issues.

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The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life

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Critics Consensus

Terrence Malick's singularly deliberate style may prove unrewarding for some, but for patient viewers, Tree of Life is an emotional as well as visual treat.

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Critics Reviews

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The Tree of Life (2011) | Rotten Tomatoes (1) Adam Nayman The Ringer Malick's earnest pretentiousness surely invites derisive laughter. But it also withstands it, and like the ancient evergreen of its title, it towers benevolently over less ambitious movies... Apr 6, 2020 Full Review The Tree of Life (2011) | Rotten Tomatoes (2) Amy Taubin Film Comment Magazine The Tree of Life in no way measured up. Aug 27, 2019 Full Review The Tree of Life (2011) | Rotten Tomatoes (3) Deborah Ross The Spectator Ideally, you would bathe in a film like this without striving to decipher it. As it's a film about what we can't get our heads around, we are probably not meant to get our heads round it. But, even so, it is so audacious it will take your breath away. Aug 31, 2018 Full Review The Tree of Life (2011) | Rotten Tomatoes (4) Wesley Lovell Cinema Sight There are two distinct films being made here and while the opening frames of The Tree of Life are some of the finest in memory, there’s little in the middle-to-late section of the film worth noting. Rated: 3.5/4 Oct 10, 2023 Full Review The Tree of Life (2011) | Rotten Tomatoes (5) Brian Eggert Deep Focus Review You may not be able to pinpoint with words how it all comes together, but the beauty and power of Malick’s imagery and impressionistic approach to filmmaking convey another ponderous picture, the director’s most ambitious and lyrical work yet. Rated: 4/4 Jun 7, 2023 Full Review The Tree of Life (2011) | Rotten Tomatoes (6) James Croot A film that blossoms into a compelling tale of nature versus nurture, which boasts one of Pitt's finest performances and imagery that will take root in your brain for days afterwards. Rated: 4/5 May 24, 2023 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Terry S Moving and impressive throughout--I found it totally rewarding. Rated 4.5/5 Stars • Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 12/08/24 Full Review Heryck V Nhé, preferia nem ter assistido mas alguns momentos é até legal. Rated 2/5 Stars • Rated 2 out of 5 stars 11/17/24 Full Review Mike H Tried to watch it but couldn't get through the pretentiousness of it all. Director naval gazing and using universe creation cinematography to make up for an ineptitude in getting a point across. We get it, life and loss are big issues. But I watch movies to be entertained not patronised. I hope nobody got paid for this nonsense. Rated 1/5 Stars • Rated 1 out of 5 stars 10/30/24 Full Review Ricardo W Debo comenzar por advertir que no es una película para todo el mundo, y que realmente hay que verla en un mood muy particular. No es un film sencillo, ni se digiere fácil. Sin embargo, está muy bien hecho, y desde mi punto de vista logra su cometido muy eficazmente: hacernos reflexionar sobre la naturaleza de la vida, nuestro lugar en el universo, la existencia de Dios, y el impacto de nuestra existencia como parte de una familia - sean cuales sean las pinceladas (o los brochazos) de disfunción que pinten la nuestra. Mi querido amigo Tano me decía hoy que él, al ver una película, busca una trama, y que no le encontró trama a ésta. Mi réplica es que la vida no tiene trama, ella es la trama en sí misma, y en ese sentido no es menudo el logro de Malick al deslizarse con éxito entre el entretenimiento y la introspección profunda. Si bien creo que es muy ambicioso tratar de retratar temas tan complejos y delicados en una película, ésta no se quedo corta.Los méritos técnicos también son extraordinarios. La fotografía es alucinante, a ratos me recordó a uno de mis filmes favoritos de todos los tiempos, Baraka, y aunque hay un poco de abuso con las imágenes generadas por computadora, el trabajo es bastante limpio, y sólo apoya la intensidad dramática que busca el director. El trabajo de dirección es meticuloso y fascinante. La dirección de arte y la música no se quedan atrás, y también hay que mencionar unas actuaciones sólidas - creo que, de hecho, había olvidado lo buen actor que es Brad Pitt, y sólo el desarrollo del lenguaje corporal de su personaje es ya un recordatorio punzante. Desde todo punto de vista, creo que es una de las películas que más he disfrutado últimamente. Rated 4/5 Stars • Rated 4 out of 5 stars 10/06/24 Full Review Potato p The movie is made for pseudo intelectuals, showing some random imagery from Spore life stages so the runtime gets buffed. The actual story inside this mess is quite good, the characters are all complex and incredibly acted.Sadly, as I said before, the meteor from Spore's intro linda steals the show. 0/10 worst the sims adaptation Rated 0.5/5 Stars • Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 07/29/24 Full Review Misha C One of the most beautiful film ever produced. Rated 4/5 Stars • Rated 4 out of 5 stars 07/12/24 Full Review Read all reviews

The Tree of Life

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Cast & Crew

Terrence Malick Director Brad Pitt Mr. O'Brien Sean Penn Jack Jessica Chastain Mrs. O'Brien Fiona Shaw Grandmother Irene Bedard Messenger
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The Tree of Life

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Synopsis In this highly philosophical film by acclaimed director Terrence Malick, young Jack (Hunter McCracken) is one of three brothers growing up as part of the O'Brien family in small-town Texas. Jack has a contentious relationship with his father (Brad Pitt), but gets along well with his beautiful mother (Jessica Chastain). As an adult, Jack (Sean Penn) struggles with his past and tries to make sense of his childhood, while also grappling with bigger existential issues.

Terrence Malick

Sarah Green, Bill Pohlad, Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner, Grant Hill

Terrence Malick

Fox Searchlight

Production Co
Cottonwood Pictures

PG-13 (Some Thematic Material)


Original Language

Release Date (Theaters)
May 27, 2011, Limited

Release Date (Streaming)
Nov 25, 2015

Box Office (Gross USA)

2h 18m
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The Tree of Life (2011) | Rotten Tomatoes (2025)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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